Extraordinary Ministers (EM's) of Communion assist the priests and deacons in the distribution of Communion at weekend and/or daily Masses. EM's have a love of the Eucharist, are comfortable in front of the community, and have a willingness to understand this ministry.
Please contact the rectory at (605)835-9290 if you are called to this ministry.
Altar Servers assist the priest and other ministers of the liturgy for daily and weekend liturgies. This is an excellent opportunity for children (after First Holy Communion and older) to be involved in liturgical ministry.
Please contact the rectory at (605)835-9290 if you are called to this ministry.
Sacristans set up vessels and furnishings prior to weekend and/or daily Masses and clean vessels and put things away after Masses. Sacristans need organizational skills, the ability to follow directions, and flexibility with the various liturgical seasons/settings. This “behind the scenes” ministry is a great service for those who like to be involved, but perhaps are not comfortable being in front of the community. It is an invaluable help to the priests, other ministers and the whole community.
Please contact the rectory at (605)835-9290 if you are called to this ministry.
Church Decorators decorate the body of the church and sanctuary with signs and symbols marking certain feast days or
liturgical seasons.
Please contact the rectory at (605)835-9290 if you are called to this ministry.
An usher's responsibilities consist of seating those assembled for Liturgy, especially during times of heavy Mass attendance, attending to the needs of the disabled through such things as holding doors open, taking up the gifts of bread and wine at the Offertory when needed, circulating the collection receptacles, facilitating the Communion procession and offering the parish bulletin to the faithful as they exit the church.
Please contact the rectory at (605)835-9290 if you are called to this ministry.
Accompanists are pianists or organists who accompany the singing at Mass on weekends and other special liturgies such as weddings and funerals. Musicians need proficiency in playing the piano and/or organ, the ability to lead, be sensitive to volume, work with cantors, choir members, directors and support and encourage congregational singing. Excellent sight-reading skills are helpful, but not required.
Please contact the rectory at (605)835-9290 if you are called to this ministry.
Cantors are leaders of song and proclaimers of the psalm for liturgies at weekend Masses and special liturgies, such as weddings and
funerals. The ability to sing on pitch with clear diction and articulation along with proficiency in reading music is needed. Ability to learn music on your own is helpful.
Please contact the rectory at (605)835-9290 if you are called to this ministry.
The choir consists of singers and instrumentalists who lead music at the Masses. Musicians are needed with the ability to sing or
play an instrument proficiently. Ability to work well with others in a small group and blend musically is helpful. Weekly rehearsal attendance.
Please contact the rectory at (605)835-9290 if you are called to this ministry.
Formed in 1903 the Catholic Daughters of the Americas (CDA) is one of the oldest and largest organizations of Catholic women in the Americas. We are a national organization, with 63,000 dues-paying members in 1,150 courts (local chapters) in 45 states across the country and in Puerto Rico, Mexico, Guam and the Virgin Islands.
We provide local spirituality, sharing and activity under the support of a vibrant national organization. Members donate to charities, administer scholarship programs and strive “to be helping hands where there is pain, poverty, sorrow or sickness.” They embrace the principle of faith working through love in the promotion of justice, equality and the advancement of human rights and human dignity for all.
The Daughters meet on the 2nd Thursday of the month at Maryvale Hall at 6:30 pm.